The Origins of Our Most Popular Partner Dances [VIDEO]

By ogarociousDec 15, 2020
n this video, my journey over the years being a part of multiple partner dance scenes to answer the question, “What do the origins of the most popular partner dances in the world have in common?” This is my longest video yet, but I’m super proud of the final product and the story I was able to tell that has been burning inside of me for several years. If you dance any partner dance at all, I feel that you will enjoy and learn something new from watching this video! Let’s end 2020 with a stronger sense of UNITY! Sharing is caring!! 
Links Mentioned:  👇🏾Level Up Your Kiz👇🏾 Who am I? I am a danceprenuer (instructor, event organizer, DJ, mentor, & podcaster) that primarily works in the kizomba scene. I love nerding out on musicality, self-awareness, creativity, fundamentals, history, and more! I also run an online membership site for kiz tutorials dedicated to helping kiz dancers around the world level up their kiz skills at
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