This May, Zouk Dance Academy is very excited to bring Gui Prada (super popular dancer and creator of "The Universe Behind The Hug") and the lovely and captivating Brenda Carvalho to Singapore! This will be Gui's first trip to Singapore and Asia. Gui was scheduled to visit Singapore two years ago but the pandemic put those plans on hold. We're so excited that he is finally able to make this trip here.
During their short stay here, they will be conducting 8 hours of workshops over the weekend of 13 and 14 May. We will have parties on Fri 12 and Sat 13 May.
Registration and fees will be available soon. Mark the event dates in your calendar. Don't miss out on the secrets behind making your Zouk yummylicious! You'll also get to enjoy social dancing with the Zoukers in Singapore, who are known for their gentle yet fun dance style. Best of all, 1.5 hours of DARK ZOUK at each party! Dark Zouk with Gui/Brenda =

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SCHEDULE (all parties and workshops will be held at Danz Artistica, #04-03 ICB Enterprise House)
*FRIDAY 12 May 2023*
==== PARTY====
<~<~<~ WELCOME PARTY: Fri 830pm till 1230am ~>~>~>
The last 1.5 hours of social will be "Dark Zouk".
*SATURDAY 13 May 2023*
>> WORKSHOP: Sat 2pm to 4pm
- History of Zouk
- Hips & Footwork
nomnomnom-- SNACK BREAK, 4pm to 420pm --nomnomnom
>> WORKSHOP: Sat 420pm to 620pm
- Close Embrace Connection
- Lead & Follow
nomnomnom-- DINNER BREAK, 630pm to 830pm --nomnomnom
<~<~<~ PURE ZOUK PARTY: Sat 830pm till 12am ~>~>~>
The last 1.5 hours of social will be "Dark Zouk".
*SUNDAY 14 May 2023*
>> WORKSHOP: Sun 2pm to 4pm
- Musicality
nomnomnom-- SNACK BREAK, 4pm to 420pm --nomnomnom
>> WORKSHOP: Sun 420pm to 620pm
- Playful Moves
Registration and fees will be available soon. Mark the event dates in your calendar.