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ZOUK & PLAY IMMERSION with Brigitte & Nelly



Saturday, Sep 30, 2023
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Location Dot
Santa Clara, California
🇺🇸 United States - North America
> Do you find yourself struggling to have fun while social dancing?
> Have you ever wondered how to add new flavors and styles to your own moves?
> Would you like to learn how to dance more comfortably and with more ease?
Knowing different dance styles is not always enough. Sometimes all you need to do is to show up differently and bring your own flavor 😉
Join us in this experiential immersion to connect new ways of feeling, being, and moving while also learning how to transition between different dance archetypes during your dance.
This is not a regular Zouk class, so be ready to explore different versions of yourself and have a lot of fun.
Sep 30, 2023 (Saturday)
2pm - 4:30 pm - workshop 1
4:30pm - 5pm - break
5pm - 7pm - workshop 2
7pm - 9 pm - mini social
*coming soon.
📌 Open-level lessons (requires a minimum of 3 months of dancing and zouk basics experience).
📌 Classes were created to provide a progressive experience so participating of the entire event is a requirement.
📌 Minimum: 3 couples; Maximum: 8 couples.
$120 Full pass
$15 Mini social
🎟️ Venmo:
@B-Moving (Brigitte)
✨Friends & family only.

Volare Studios - South Bay
1440 Franklin St, Santa Clara, CA 95050
About Nelly
Nelly Caldeira is a passionate, fun, and energetic Brazilian Zouk Instructor, and a Transformation teacher & coach from Brazil. She has been living and teaching in the Bay Area, California, since June 2018. Her dance journey started in 2014 when she fell in love with zouk and with all the possibilities this dance brought into her life. With a philosophy background, Nelly is dedicated to creating and contributing to dance communities that value connection, authenticity, growth and transformation. In her journey she’s been mentored by Paloma Alves & William Teixeira and the Zouk Needs You team with Val Clemente & Vanessa Bonilha. Nelly has taught at various congresses and events in the USA, Brazil and Mexico. She’s placed in Jack & Jill competitions a few times and performed with Boneca Baddies, Zouk SF team and K&L followers team as well. Since 2020 she's been the director of the Zouk Babes Bay Area (Follower’s choreography team created by Christina Montoya from LA) and has been collaborating with other zouk organizers in the Bay with an intention to support the Brazilian Zouk community to grow and strengthen both in quantity and quality. Nelly is known for bringing dance, communication and self-development together and for using her NLP and coaching tools to support students grow from inside out.

About Brigitte
Brigitte is an international dance instructor, performer and transformational movement guide.
Originally from Switzerland, she has taught in over ten countries and studied with world-renowned programs at Broadway Dance Center in New York and Faculdade Angel Vianna in Rio de Janeiro.
Brigitte connects contemporary dance, Brazilian social dances, somatic education, contact-improvisation, body mechanics, Yoga, Gyrokinesis, and transpersonal psychology to guide people on their path to embodied movement and expression.
Using dance as a tool for awareness and expression, Brigitte melds the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual together. In doing so, she offers a place to play, experiment, live, adapt and create different realities.
Building on the flow and framework of Brazilian Zouk, Brigitte breaks the traditional roles of lead and follow, giving both parties the ability to speak and listen fluidly throughout the dance.
This "Liquid Leading" allows for a freedom of self-expression while still remaining engaged and receptive to the needs of your partner(s). Each person can explore their full range of structure & flow, developing an ever-evolving dynamic of exchange and true authenticity of relation.
Brigitte's teaching focuses on creating an experience, guiding movers through a container designed for safety, emotional vulnerability, and inner transformation. From delicate care to primal power or sinuous sensuality to childlike joy, Brigitte cultivates a language and environment for curiosity driven movers to express themselves with and through others in a deeply fulfilling and transcendent dance of life.


Nelly Caldeira


Brigitte Wittmer