Jade is a Brazilian Zouk teacher from London, currently working as a solo artist and collaborating with other artists to share her knowledge and dance across Europe. Jade has over 25 years dance experience in ballett jazz, hip hop, contemporary and Latin styles and it's this versality that uniquely defines her dance and teaching style.
Jade is fiercely passionate about seeing progress in her students and has more than 14 years of practical experience teaching dance to adults and children. Jade began refining her Brazilian Zouk knowledge under the mentorship of Kadu & Larissa in 2018 and has completed their teacher training program and is a registered judge. Jade also participated in Alex de Carvalho's MAC project in 2021.
Combining her vast experince as a Brazilian Zouk Leader, Follower and solo dancer brings a rare perspective to Jade's methodology and in 2019, having built a strong reputation for high quality teaching and results, Jade established "Zoukglow London" offering weekly classes, courses and events. Jade is now recognised internationally and regularly teaches at festivals and intensives across Europe - most recently Helsinki Zouk Festival, Cologne Zouk Festival and Dutch International Zouk Congress to name a few. Her classes are known for being full of technical know-how, unique style and expression and plenty of good vibes!
Wilson Fonseca from São Paulo has been teaching and dancing in Europe since over 5 years now. He is known as one of the very best social dancers on the whole continent and he also has a vast knowledge as teacher not only in Brazilian Zouk dancing both roles as leader and follower but also Lamba Zouk and Samba de Gafieira. Wilson's classes are full of details you need to learn if you would also like to be an amazing social dancer.
Wilson is a teacher, choreographer and an organiser. He has been teaching regular classes for years in Dublin, Ireland and internationally in many countries.
He wants to motivate people to learn, grow and achieve their true potential.
20:00 - 0:00 Zouk Party @Soda Club (Entrance: 8€ incl. 3€ drink coupon)
21:00 - Party start
01:00 - Party end
Location: Mambita Etage
12:30 - Entry
13:00 - Open Level Workshop start
15:15 - Workshop end
15:30 - Jade's Technique Choreo Workshop Start
17:45 - Workshop end
Location: Mambita Mehringdamm
21:00 - Party start
02:00 - Party end
Location: Mambita Etage
12:00 - Entry
12:30 - Advanced Level Workshop start
16:45 - Workshop end
Location: Mambita Mehringdamm
The information can be found on both the website as well as facebook. Sudden changes during the weekend might only be published on facebook so make sure to check the event
Workshops at La Mambita
Mehringdamm 33
M33 Höfe
2nd entrance, 3rd floor for Germans or 4th floor for non-Germans
10961 Berlin
!!door code 1357!!
No barefeet or street shoes at this place, dance shoes and socks only
Parties at Mambita Etage, Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin
Eingang Gewerbe über Privatstr.
3rd backyard/Hinterhof 2nd stairs/Aufgang 2nd floor/1. Stock auf deutsch
Ring the bell on the INSIDE of the gate. You will find it on the right side after passing the first gate. It’s a single bell that is marked as the door opener. It is NOT the bell with Mambita Etage on it. Afterwards you have 1 minute to get through the glass entrance door. If you missed the time slot just go back and ring again to open the door.
Please take off your street shoes before entering the studio and make sure your dance shoes don't leave stripes on the floor.
You can bring & refill your own bottle with tap water if needed. Please don't go behind the bar yourself, just reach over from the outside to fill up your bottle
Careful: It's two different places

Don't show up at the wrong place
95€ full pass
50€ one day of workshops + one party of your choosing
30€ one set of workshops on Saturday (either open Level or choreo)
7€ one party only
No need to sign up beforehand, registration and payment are at the door, just come a bit early

Payment via bank transfer is also possible. For any questions you might have please reach out to
[email protected]
5€ contribution per day of participation for Danca Alegria members
*******HYGIENE CONCEPT*******
If a participant appears to have symptoms they might be turned away at the door. Please do not come if you have symptoms.