Lovely people,
yes, it’s true, the level 2 of the Zouk Atoms will take place in July 2024 right after the Level 1! We will be very happy seeing you back in Bremen and going deeper into the Atoms.
If you are reading these lines it’s because you’ve already visited the level 1 or you are thinking about doing it. The Zouk Atoms is a new way of thinking the dance that opens to you the complexity of the matrix behind the zouk basics. A week of intensive learning allows you to make the atoms happen in your dance
. Let’s go!
### VENUE ###
Our lovely dance school in the heart of Bremen:
Isla Zouk, Komturstr. 4
### SCHEDULE ###
Monday 8th to Friday 13th:
- Classes from 11:00 to 16:00 / Social from 20:30 to 00:30.
Saturday 15th:
- Classes from 13:00 to 18:00 / Social from 20:30 to 02:00.
### CONTENT ###
Depending on the group we will spend the first and maybe the second day refreshing the atoms of the level 1 with new exciting possibilities.
Now let’s talk nerdy about the new content
The Level 1 is the first door of the system, where you learn how do we think in the Atoms way. After the Level 1 you can visit the Level 2. The content of the Level 2 is rotating every year.
The Level 2 in 2024 will focus on the Position "B" (if you did the Level 1, then you know, what do we mean
FOOTWORK: So many new possibilities and feelings! The position going backwards is a new world inside of zouk because normally only the cross step (BB-1-180) is used to be danced. We have 8 more atoms to play with!
HEADWORK: Head movements going backwards! This will be the perfect training for both leaders and followers. It will require a high level of leading and following to make work right, but you will see that the investment is worth of it!
LEADING: The position going backwards will sharp the precission of your leading to get the right timing of the contra body movement. We are so happy of making this training with you!
FOLLOWING: Because it's unusual to go backwards (and adding head movements on top!) this Level 2 will bring your frame and body structure to a new level.
The week (classes & socials) costs 240€
The access is only possible after visiting the level 1 of the system.
For the registration please fill the form:
We would love to see you in Bremen again!
Big hug,
Olga & Fernand