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UADC Winter Noir Ballroom Dance Social



Saturday, Dec 03, 2022
12:30 PM - 04:00 PM
Location Dot
Edmonton, Alberta
🇨🇦 Canada - North America

After having to cancel our Halloween social, we're back and this time we're confident we got this right - say hello to our newly renamed Winter Noir social! For the first time in a few years, our second Fall semester social is landing in December, so the name Snowvember just doesn't really make sense this year.
It might be cold outside, but it's always hot on our dance floor - come join us in Dinwoodie Lounge (2nd floor SUB) for a social to wrap up the Fall semester! We'll be mainly featuring the dances we covered this semester, including the two workshops, and also throw in some sneak previews of next year's dances!
Our booking costs have increased this year as expected with inflation where it is these days, so unfortunately we have had to bump our prices a little this year. In an attempt to continue to appeal to students, the bump is mainly going to be felt by non-students. Please come help support us so we can continue to build a thriving dance community!
Members (with valid membership): $15
Enthusiasts (with valid pass): $20
Drop-in (none of the above): $30
This event is being organized by the University of Alberta Dance Club (UADC).

Instructor DJ

Kevin Trieu