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NJ Tuesday Kizz Kizomba Winter Cycle



Tuesday, Dec 26, 2023
07:30 PM - 11:30 PM
Location Dot
Bloomfield, New Jersey
🇺🇸 United States - North America

  Recurring Event: 8 Occurrences  

Learn Kizomba with the TuesdayKIZZ team!

EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT starting at 7:30pm EST


Class Descriptions:

Kizomba Level 1 :

Kizomba is a cultural partner dance from Angola, Africa. Kizomba translates to the word "party" in Kimbundu. Its roots stem from the dance Semba. Semba is the mother of all three styles and is characterized by it's outward joyful energy. Kizomba is influenced in its flavor and motion from Semba. Music associated with Kizomba is often energetic, percussive with a warm combination of instrumentals and vocals. In both Semba and Kizomba partners hold are centered on grounded connection. The signature pattern of movement is focused on circular shapes. Connection is key to learning how to smoothly glide around the dance floor with your partner!

Open Level Class


Kizomba Level 2:

Join in for Level 2 Intermediate Kizomba Routines and Moves. Material covered will be focused on introducing both lead and follows to new movement and combinations you can take onto the dance floor. No partner needed!

Prerequisite: Preferred completion of Level 1 Kizomba Fundamentals cycle. Ideal for dancers with prior Kizomba experience.



After class join for dedicated practice from 10pm-12am. Open floor to take advantage of some extra time to work on those new moves and patterns from class! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!



FULL Day Pass Drop In (2 Classes+Social)= $35

Single Class Drop in= $20

Social Only= $10

Water Bottle = $1.00


8 Week Package Discounts available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Contact us directly to sign up!


2 Class 8 Week Package (Social Included)/=$240

1 Class 8 Week Package (Class Only)=$140

1 Class 8 Week Package Plus Social= $180


ASK ABOUT OUR FULL CYCLE Student Perk Program!

Perks Program includes:

Discounts to local Kizomba socials and events

$10 Discount on privates with core instructors

Raffle entry to win private lesson

Customized T uesdayKIZZ T-shirt




Any questions please contact event organizer directly via Eventbrite at end of this page!

IG: @hq.drew and @a.chi0


F B: Tuesday KIZZ

VENMO: @DrewQ-Thompson