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Neokiz Weekender Halifax - April 2023






Fri, Apr 21 at 12:00 AM to
Mon, Apr 24 at 12:00 AM
Location Dot
Halifax, Nova Scotia
🇨🇦 Canada - North America

Charles Ogar, one of the top Urban Kiz teachers in North America, will be in Halifax to teach a Urban Kiz Weekender from April 20-23! Don't miss this great opportunity to level up! Register today!


Thursday April 20: Location Danspace, 1800 Argyle Street, Halifax

- 7:30 to 9pm: Intro to B-zouk
- 9 to 11pm: After class social

Friday April 21: Location Happy Soul Dance Studios (Studio A), 3089 Oxford st, Halifax

- 6:30 to 8pm: Intro to Kizomba workshop
- 8 to 9:30pm: Beginner Plus Urban Kiz workshop
-9:30pm to late: Friday Kizomba Social, until late, and in the larger studio

Saturday April 22: Location Happy Soul Dance Studios (Studio A), 3089 Oxford st, Halifax

- 1 to 2:30pm: Musicality for Urban Kiz, all levels 
- 2:45 to 4:15pm: Intermediate Urban Kiz workshop 
- 9:30pm to late: Saturday Kizomba until late, and in the larger studio

Sunday April 23: Location: Happy Soul Dance Studios, 3089 Oxford st, Halifax

- 1:30 to 3:30pm: Urban Kiz intensive
- 5:00 - 7:00pm: Group supper
- 7:30 to 9pm: Intermediate Urban Kiz workshop
- 9:30pm to 12am Sunday Kizomba Social 

Prices and Levels

- $150: Full Pass plus Thursday Intensive (The intensive can only be attended by buying a ful pass and will build on the material from the rest of the weekender)
- $125: Full Pass
- $100: Beginner plus pass: Beginner Kizomba & B-zouk workshops, Beginner plus UrbanKiz workshop & musicality workshop, plus socials (Students who have started with me in January can purchase this pass)
- $75: Beginner pass: Beginner Kizomba, B-zouk & musicality workshops, plus socials (open to complete beginners)
- $25: One workshop
- $15:  One social
- $100: 1 hour private
- $80: 1 hour private with 20% discount, when purchassing a full pass

Note: The Socials will be Dj'ed by a combination of Charles, Mo, Richie and Brigitte.

For the better enjoyment and learning of everyone, please register to the level you are curretly at:

- Beginner workshops and all level classes are open to everyone, even with no experience.

- Beginner plus workshops are for people with min 3 months of training

- Intermediate classes are for students with minimum of 6 months of training who already have an understanding of the different positions of open frame

- The intensive is for students who have a min of 8 months of training (or who have been putting in the hours of training) and want to push themselves, (Please note, at the request of Charles, you have to ask to be accepted to this class)

- Charles will be available for privates in the afternoon of April 20th and 21st, between the workshops and social on Saturday, before the workshops on Sunday and in the evening on the 24th and 25th. Let Brigitte know if you would like to book a private, she will be coordinating everything for the event so that Charles can concentrate on teaching. Privates are always a great way for you to level up faster, get feedback on how you can improve, get corrections and learn specific things you are interested in.

Charles Ogar is a fantastic Kizomba instructor based out of Austin, Texas! He is also well known, throughout the world for his detailed, yet fun and quirky instruction and his super smooth, creative, and musical style on the dance floor. Charles is also known as one of the most influential pioneer of Urban Kiz in North America, including in Halifax, where he spent time in the community and taught workshops that helped the community develop.

Don't miss this fun filled weekend with lots of leveling up opportunities for Urban Kiz for all levels, lots of dancing and positive vibes.

To register send a message or email Brigitte at: [email protected] for what you are registering for, Payment can be done by cash, etransfer or by credit card at: (this option includes processing fees)


Instructor DJ

Charles Ogar | Mr. Neokiz | DJ Ogarocious