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Lake Powell Fusion Houseboat






Wed, Oct 09 at 11:00 PM to
Tue, Oct 15 at 03:00 PM
Location Dot
Lake Powell, Utah
🇺🇸 United States - North America
A 40-person, 7-day, Lake Powell houseboat party. We will have two 50' houseboats to explore Lake Powell during the day and Recess-style main dance events in remote slot canyons, slick rock mesas, and all of the most beautiful party locations imaginable. Late-night parties will be on the boat every night.
Thankfully, this lake will most likely be decommissioned in the coming years. This is a chance to enjoy these remote canyons by water before they soon return to their natural state.
The event will be $775 per person. This includes 7 days of food, 7 days of boat use, and sleeping on the deck after the party is over or camping on land (as we will be docking on beaches every night).
If you are interested, send Justin a personal message and Paypal (Paypal) or Venmo Justin $775 for an event ticket, and an additional $1000 if you want a room. You can also pay via credit card at ( is very limited space at this event.
There will be 6 private rooms, each sleeping 2 people (a queen or double bed). Each room costs an extra $1000/room for the 7 days (not per person). Pay for a room, and share it with whoever you like. The rooms are pretty much just beds and have minimal floor space. Room sales will subside the trip for other participants without rooms. We will load the boats at 11am on Thursday the and push off at 12:30pm. Don’t be late! 😻 And we will return the the dock at 3pm on Wedneday.