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Fri, Aug 12 at 12:00 AM to
Sun, Aug 14 at 12:00 AM
Location Dot
unknown, Pennsylvania
🇺🇸 United States - North America
FaeFusion is not your typical dance event. Rather than attending a curated experience designed by others, everyone will be participatory in creating a truly unique experience. Please consider our event's values:
FaeFusion is a dance retreat - you'll camp on-site throughout the weekend and use the daytime to connect with each other, participate in skill shares, and create art.
Fusion is the sum of its parts, and FaeFusion will reflect that ethos. We'll plan the crucial basics: food, water, music and dance space, but our schedule is more suggestion than rule. Instead, you will help create the event throughout the weekend by contributing your skill shares, volunteering, and being your beautiful self!
Do you know how to belly dance? Mongolian throat singing? Want to jam with other musicians? Bring what you need and sign up to share your skills! We'll facilitate your ideas with space, sound, and lights.
Skill shares for the day will be announced during brunch so everyone can choose what they want to participate in.
Many hands make light work. Many excited hands make Fae magic! You will be asked to volunteer a small part of your time to help with event production, safety, kitchen, or the elements.


Avery Lono - DJ CatScratch