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Sat, Jan 21 at 12:00 AM to
Sun, Jan 22 at 12:00 AM
Location Dot
Grunerlokka, Oslo
🇳🇴 Norway - Europe
WELCOME! (English below)
Gira på å lære noe nytt i 2023? Bli med på Beginners Bootcamp og dykk inn i den fantastiske dansen - brasiliansk zouk.
...Eller kanskje du ønsker å friske opp gamle ferdigheter? 🤔
Uansett, så passer denne bootcampen perfekt for både nye, gamle og alt imellom dansere! Gøy og lærerikt blir det uansett!
(more info and details below...)
Welcome to Brazilian Zouk Bootcamp with Hilde Bjørnebøle and Petter Nøding aka DJ Viking!
Are you looking for something new and exciting to do/learn in 2023? Then please come and join our Beginner Bootcamp and take a deep dive into this fantastic, wonderful and beautiful couple dance, called Brazilian Zouk.
Be a part of the hottest new trend in 2023! So come as you are, partner is not necessary, and we hope to see you there ❤
Or maybe you have tried it before and want to fresh up your skills to remember how to dance? Then please come down and join our Intermediate Bootcamp. Move on from your beginner figures and routines, and build up more knowledge, movements, and technical understanding on how we dance and enjoy brazilian zouk on a social dancefloor. Havent danced for 3-4-5 years? No problem, cuz we will take you through it all in a fun, clear and pedagogic way. And trust me, your body and mind will remember and unlock your old zouk movements!
Be a part of the hottest new trend in 2023! See you there ❤
➡️Brazilian Zouk Beginners Bootcamp.
Date: Saturday 21 January 2023.
Time: 13:00 - 18:00.
Place: Fever Dance / Kadi Studio. Konghellegata 3, Oslo.
Studio 2. Doorbell Kadi Acustica.
SATURDAY ZOUK PARTY at DanceCity Top Floor from 21:30 to 00:30.
Music by DJ Viking. 100 NOK to enter if you havent purchased a bootcamp pass.
➡️Brazilian Zouk Intermediate Bootcamp.
Date: Sunday 22 January 2023.
Time: 13:00 - 18:00.
Place: Fever Dance / Kadi Studio. Konghellegata 3, Oslo.
Studio 2. Doorbell Kadi Acustica.
Sosialdance kl. 18:30 til 21:00.
(With DJ Viking).
Worshops on saturday is on Fever Dance / Kadi Studio (Konghellegata 3, Oslo)
Workshops and social on sunday is at Fever Dance / Kadi Studio.
Party on saturday evening will be at DanceCity, Møllergata 6, Oslo.
💵Prices, per person, in NOK💵
Beginners bootcamp (with party) - 400 kr
Party saturday only - 100 kr
Intermediate bootcamp (with social) - 400 kr
Social sunday only - 50 kr
Combo fullpass, both bootcamps + party & socialdance = 700 kr.
Sunday Intermediate Bootcamp with Saturday Party and Sunday Afternoon Social included = 500 kr
Beginner Bootcamp for students = 300 kr
Intermediate Bootcamp for students = 300 kr
Combo Full Weekend Pass (both bootcamps + party + social) for students = 500 kr
Special offer! Contact me, Petter Nøding, if you cant afford it, and we can try to agree on some volenteering to give you the chance to attend and be a part of the fun 🙂
Hugs and zouk love from OsloZouk Team and Moments Dance Company Team.