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Brazilian Zouk - Beginners Workshop 2023



Sunday, Mar 19, 2023
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location Dot
Helsinki, unknown
🇫🇮 Finland - Europe
(English below)
Kolmetuntinen workshop on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka haluavat tutustua zoukiin alusta lähtien.
Et tarvitse aiempaa tanssikokemusta etkä omaa paria (tunneilla vaihdetaan pareja). Workshop sopii hyvin myös kokeneemmille tanssijoille, jotka haluavat kerrata perusteita ja puhdistaa perustekniikkaansa.
Workshopissa käydään läpi zoukin perusliikkeitä ja -kuvioita sekä harjoitellaan viemistä ja seuraamista.
Samassa paikassa on zouk-sosiaalitanssia 18:00-21:00, tervetuloa mukaan! Tämän workshopin käyneet pääsevät ilmaiseksi.
Facebook linkki:
Freddy & Andressa
This three-hour workshop is for complete beginners who want to learn Brazilian Zouk from the start. It is ideal also for dancers who want to refresh and polish their fundamentals.
We will go through the basic movements of zouk and practice leading and following techniques.
Previous dance experience is not needed. You can come without your own partner since we will rotate partners during the workshop.
After the workshop there is Zouk social dancing at the same place from 18:00 to 21:00, workshop attendants are welcome to join it for free!
Facebook link:
Freddy & Andressa
Freddy and Andressa are top international teachers, performers and choreographers in Brazilian Zouk.
They are both Brazilians from Rio de Janeiro, the city where this dance was born. Both Freddy and Andressa were formed in Brazilian Zouk learning directly from one of its creators (Renata Peçanha “The Queen of Zouk”) and with an experience of more than 12 years teaching also for non-Brazilians worldwide, they developed the Fundamentals Course, designed for beginners with a method that attends the different needs that people have when not connected with the Brazilian culture.
Sunday 19th of March
Workshops from 13:00 to 16:00.
Zouk Sunday Social: 18:00 - 21:00
Single Registration = 55€
Couple Registration = 90€
At the door upon arrival: Single Registration = 60€
Couple Registration = 100€
Address: Helsinki Dance Central
Sörnaisten Rantatie 33 C – 4th floor, 00500 Helsinki (Door code: 7302)
Registrations open!


Freddy & Andressa