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BOSthón 2024






Thu, Sep 19 at 08:00 PM to
Sun, Sep 22 at 06:00 PM
Location Dot
Boston, Massachusetts
🇺🇸 United States - North America

Join us at the annual Boston Tango Marathon – BOSthón, the friendliest Tango Marathon on the planet!

TWELVE YEARS AGO, we embarked on our incredible BOSthón journey – an annual Tango Marathon in Boston, brimming with amazing music, passionate dancers, and hand-selected DJs.

BOSthón is more than just tango, it's about the tango community. With great pleasure, we invite tango addicts to join us for the twelves time! Come dance with the most welcoming, inviting, engaging, and downright delightful dancers around.
Our role-balanced BOSthón features full days of dancing to music spun by world-renowned DJs. We'll provide lunches and plenty of snacks to keep you energized. Additionally, we'll be welcoming back vendors with beautiful tango shoes, clothing, and other goods for you to explore and acquire.

And last but not least, s always, we have some surprises waiting for you!

Instructor DJ

DJ Dragon (Ken Broom)